Family Tree Visualization

Treemily is a distinctive application that combines genealogy and artistic expression.

Visual Craft team


DevOpsMobile DevelopmentUI/UXWeb Development



About client

Asher Halberstam, Treemily’s co-founder, and CEO has spent over 30 years researching and organizing a family tree of his own. An artist and calligrapher by profession, Asher wanted to merge his two passions: art and genealogy.

The client’s vision was to create a powerful genealogy tool that simplifies the creation of family tree visualizations using templates

Visual Craft team

1.Project Overview

Treemily is a distinctive application that combines genealogy and artistic expression.

Users are able to create family tree diagrams and then transform them into aesthetically pleasing art pieces with beautifully drawn trees featuring their family members. 

The application dynamically generates family trees which can be ordered as prints or downloaded by users. 

Visual Craft team
Duration: 2017 - Ongoing
Visual Craft team
11 experts
Visual Craft team
country: USA


The development team faced a multitude of obstacles in developing an application that is both affordable and easy to use for a wide range of users:

Visual Craft team

Data management and Scalability:

Genealogy involves a large amount of data, including names, dates, locations, and relationships. Developing a system to efficiently manage and store this data, while ensuring its accuracy and privacy, was a significant challenge.

Visual Craft team

User interface design:

Creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows users to easily navigate and interact with the application, including creating and editing family trees, selecting customization options, and ordering prints, requires meticulous planning and testing.

Visual Craft team

Artistic design:

Developing a unique and aesthetically pleasing art style that can be applied to family tree diagrams was challenging, as it requires a balance between visual appeal and readability.

Visual Craft team


Developing a competitive startup and finding the strategic approach for platform development in cooperation with the client was a significant challenge for the whole team.

3.Discovery phase and Product Design

Our team of experts within the project worked on digital solution architecture, comprehensive application development, quality assurance, and user experience design.

The Discovery phase

of Treemily involved extensive research into the needs and preferences of potential users. At the very beginning, we focused on the key features that the application can offer its users in order to adapt it to the client’s needs and requirements. The research revealed that users wanted an application that was both affordable and easy to use, with a focus on visually appealing family tree diagrams that could be ordered as prints.

The team also researched existing genealogy applications to identify potential competitors and unique selling points. We discovered that many genealogy applications were complicated and focused on traditional family trees, while artistic applications lacked genealogy functionality. These insights helped the team identify the gap in the market that Treemily could fill.

The Product Design phase

The project involved the creation of a user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing interface that would allow users to easily create and customize their family tree diagrams. The team focused on developing a template-based approach that would simplify the process of creating family trees for users who were less familiar with genealogy.

The application was designed with a minimalist aesthetic, featuring a clean and intuitive interface that emphasized the visual aspect of family trees. The team also developed a unique art style that could be applied to the family tree diagrams, creating a seamless integration between the genealogy and artistic aspects of the application.

4.Development and implementation

Solutions for Data Management

By adhering to the GEDCOM standard, the Treemily team was able to establish a consistent and standardized structure for the genealogy data entered into the system. This allowed for easier validation of the data, as well as improved accuracy and consistency across the entire platform even when users import family charts.

Editing family members' profiles is a highly intuitive feature that enables users to effortlessly manage vast amounts of data in a simple and user-friendly manner. As well as saving visual content in the library and detecting many family members from one image. In addition to creating the application itself, the team also focused on creating a scalable architecture that could handle an increasing amount of traffic and data.


Solution for User interface design

One of the key solutions that we have implemented in Treemily for user interface design is the use of clear and concise language throughout the application. This helps to make the interface easy to understand and navigate for users of all levels of experience. Our vision was to empower users with the ability to create beautiful family trees that truly reflect their unique heritage. By offering affordable print options and premium customization features, we aimed to elevate their creations to new heights.


Solution for Artistic Design

The solution we implemented was to focus on simplicity and clarity in the design of the family tree diagrams. We used clean lines and a minimalist approach to create a layout that is easy to follow and navigate, while still maintaining a visually appealing aesthetic.

The users can easily change the design type within the tree editor, change the basic profile data of the tree members represented, and change the font size and type to make it more unique. In addition, the tree creation feature allows the users to include different sub-options of the tree.

Solution for Сompetitiveness

Our team's main goal was to develop a distinctive application that could address the shortcomings of existing ones. Apart from design and development, we also took a strategic approach and incorporated the following features:


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